About Us
“Coffee is an occasion!”
Every cup of coffee is an experience. Is there another beverage that conjures up warm, intimate feelings like coffee? Whether you’re visiting with a friend, waking up, cramming for an exam or just taking in nature with your favorite mug, coffee is attached to memories.
We aim to make every cup of coffee a memorable experience; sourcing only the finest, high altitude grown Arabica beans from around the world. We continue to develop Direct Trade relationships with farmers and cooperatives at several countries of origin. Our coffee selection offers something for everyone, including single origin, blends, Fair Trade, Organic and Rainforest Alliance coffees.
Roasting Since 1972
Founded by our Roast Master, Allan Stuart, Allann Brothers Coffee has been a pioneer in the specialty coffee industry since 1972, when we opened our first of eight coffee houses in Ashland, Oregon.

Allann Brothers prides itself on the art of hand roasting. Each coffee is roasted, blended, packaged, and shipped fresh from our roasting plant in Albany, Oregon.
All of our beans are roasted to order each day in a 1939 Jabez Burns Roaster. Meticulous attention is given to each micro batch to ensure uniformity and consistency. Each green coffee is hand-picked and sorted for impurities; then naturally sun dried. Upon completion of the roasting process, each batch is stirred and air cooled, allowing each bean to return to room temperature at an even rate.
Tea, Syrups and Concentrates
In addition to our selection of high end coffee, we also offer a wide variety of the world’s finest teas! The same rigorous pursuit of excellence is applied to our line of teas, where each varietal is tested for quality and consistency.
We are proud to offer some of the best coffee and tea specific concentrates in the industry. Java Trio combines chocolate, vanilla and coffee for a decadent beverage experience. Connoisseurs can add some spice to their life with our feature chai tea product: Maya Chai and Maya Chai Devi; boasting an 11:1 drink ratio and a flavor profile that is unforgettable!
We invite you try the best in coffee, tea, espresso and specialty drinks!